Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Google Quandary

I heart google. I've even considered writing google in on my ballot for the presidential election. But one thing has always puzzled me. Does anyone ever click the "I'm feeling lucky" link on the google search page? It feels like I'm leaving too much to chance, not enough structure.

Monday, October 13, 2008

This Little Light of Mine....

via Add a human touch...

Isn't this fantastic?  It's the size of a credit card, but when you unfold it, it lights up.  I'm guessing it used LEDs, but doesn't it look cozy but quirky?  What a great way to use those little slots in your wallet.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Not Enough Coverage

We went to the BYU football game today (go Cougars!) It's always enjoyable to be part of the mob mentality with no other worries in the world other than whether or not we're going to get the next down. I always end up learning something about the intricacies of football. (What is it with the male DNA that they somehow inherently know all the ins and outs of football rules?) It was great to go with my dad, Christian, and brother-in-law Peter.

Although we were hoping for a shut-out, BYU
did manage to pull together a win. Let me tell you, however, that there were many frustrated fans in our section of the stands. Frustrated with the refs (of course) but at the weird mistakes our team kept making. And there was this one dude who was consistently open and made more first downs than I could count.

Weather.com forecast that it would possibly be snowing and probably be raining, so we geared up. I think I'm getting more and more of a wimp. Even while wearing a sweatshirt, long-sleeved shirt, coat, and beanie, I was cold the whole time, but those around me (wearing much less than I was) acted as if they hardly felt the cold. My Sapporo cold-toughness must be wearing off...gotta go back I guess :)

But to be frank, one of the definite highlights of the day was getting to see this guy. Can anyone beat that?

From Have you Hurd?

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Have you heard about my new blog?

Well folks, it's come to it, I've become a blogger. I've had this domain sitting empty for a few months trying to get up the courage to write a few thoughts down. And tonight while avoiding some homework that's due tomorrow, the blog-bug bit :)

This blog likely won't be a masterpiece everyday, or even very artistic. Nevertheless, it will reflect my life as a wife, a student, a scientist and a person looking for beautiful, interesting, innovative and exciting aspects of life.

My dear husband has made this collage for our fridge. (comes complete with a few "sweet nothings" on the picture itself) What better way to use refrigerator poetry than to form it in a heart? It makes me happy whenever I am rummaging for food or other like activities. The picture of us may reflect a bit on our narcissism...we'll just ignore that for now.